Dear shang this is for you..
GEt your ass up and stop wallowing in self pity dude!This isn't the shang i know,and its not one i wish to see!STUDY NOW!!!!!
Alrite now that i've gotten that outta the way..Just caught Night At The Museum and hey it was good.Loved the t-rex!
Was talking to shang,and he mentioned how he would love to have no life,like one of my other friend,to get good grades.No life meaning,you hardly go out,you study most of the time.And you don't get involved in anything other than work in school.
I guess personally,i would never want to swap,unlike shang.I'm not trying to diss anyone here but just voicing out random thoughts.The new principal gave her speech that day,and in it i sieved out some stuff that were really true.Like for example,JC life would be the best time of your life spent in your schooling years.You'd have the most fun,and memorable times,and you'd carry them along with you as you walk your path.
Life ain't all bout getting perfect grades,and thankfully i'm not grades oriented.Jc life so far has been great in some ways or another,i made my choice,that is to try out new stuff and have a different life.Joined volleyball,(ok maybe i joined cause there wasn't any other cca),became an OGL (alright alright,maybe some of you might argue i did it cause of J1 girls,but hey i'm becoming gay ok..) I've done things i never would have done before,like shaking my ass on stage,doing retarded stuff and basically having fun in school.Being work oriented means missing out on all the fun stuff,and then what's the whole point?Is there gonna be anything you can reminisce about in future?Is there gonna be any i wished time would turn back again..
Life ain't a bed of roses,but i guess if we try to enjoy ourselves no matter what we're doing,and so as long as we never ever give up on ourselves,life's alright.
P.S Dear shang,stop waving that white flag of yours,show some fighting spirit and determination.It's hard,i know it myself,but i'd be the impetus for your drive to study.(God dammit i'm making tomorrow free ok..just to study with you so you better not retain or drop out of jc)